Friday, September 12, 2014

Conclusion of The Last Meeting


  • Discussed about the previous blogs posted regarding the improvement and matter required.
  • Decided the next four post titles for each member.
  • Shared ideas and views on the above topics.
              AGENDA                                                NOTES                                        TIME LIMIT
1. Next title decision                       4 different post titles were decided collectively       4 mins
                                                                for each member of the group  
2. Main features of selected            Discussed the content of the posts                          10 mins
3. Gather appropriate                      Decided to ask friends and classmates about 
      information                               their bond with their parents i.e our next                  5 mins
                                                                           Main Topic
4. Improvement of Blog                  Decided to add more pictures to make our blog      6 mins
                                                                        look more attractive
5. Next meeting                               Discussed and decided a date and time for our              
                                                         next meeting and thanked the members for
                                                                            their presence                                         5 mins
                                                                                                                                          30 mins

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shoil and company, I think that you have got confused about what 'Minutes' of a meeting are all about. Read before Minuting the next meeting...
